Panbride Road, Carnoustie

Q & A

28th Feb


Looking for more information on the Panbride development in Carnoustie.

27th Feb


Can you please send schedules or proposed house types and prices when realised please

26th Feb


Let me know when you are releasing dates for interested parties. Please send me property details/types when they become available. Thank you.

26th Feb


Are they all of Passive house Construction

25th Feb


Hi. I’m interested in discussing the new proposed homes in Carnoustie if the planning permission is approved. I look forward to hearing from you. Thanks

25th Feb


Hi, we are interested in the family homes you may build in Carnoustie. We are looking for 4(+) bedrooms and would be interested on buying off plans. I appreciate you have a virtual public forum next week but can you share information on house types and when you would expect these to become available, assuming the proposal is approved?

25th Mar


Hoping for a bit more information on the above mentioned development! Dates/prices etc.

25th Mar


I would be interested to hear about the affordable homes. Can you send me some information on this please.

25th Mar


Are the houses being built with the most up to-date insulation, double glazing, heat pumps, solar etc so that the houses can run with the minimum amount of energy that is required to heat them because that is the way modern houses should be built.

25th Mar


Good morning, I was wondering where the planning application was in relation to the pan rode road development as we are very interested in this development? Many thanks

25th Mar


Timescale please of when viewing plots , plans etc if permission given.

25th Feb


When will these houses be available?

25th Mar


There are no nursery or school placements open at Carlogie Primary now, currently kids in the local area are being shipped out to Monikie for education let alone the fact the Health Centre has been at reduced capacity due to GP shortages. Are you going to build schools, nurseries and health services to support this

25th Feb


With the schools already full to capacity and the Doctors surgery unable to cope with the numbers is there plans for a new school or doctors surgery. In addition the sewage system is at full capacity and the road system needs to be upgraded before any more traffic is allowed to use the road to Muirdum.

24th Feb


Do you have a waiting list/reserve list for this site. This is a great area in carnoustie.

19th Feb


Why do you not include any bungalows in your developments? Not including bungalows means you are excluding disabled and older people from buying a new property. You are not the only builder in the Dundee , Monifieth and Carnoustie area not doing so. The few bungalows that Taylor Wimpey were required to build in Monifieth were snapped up very quickly.It’s a real travesty that disabled and elderly people are being excluded from buying a new property on one level ie a bungalow. Our thoughts on this issue would be most welcome.

5th Feb


I reside at The Orchard immediately east of your proposed development.

I have some worries concerning the drainage issues that this development could compound. Since the "decorative berm" was constructed behind the guild homes development water has been redirected behind my property and that of my neighbour in Aston House. At one point it was in danger of overflowing my wall and my house was at risk of flooding. Fortunately we were able to dig a trench into the adjoining field(your development site) to allow some of the water to drain off. In the 4 months since that flooding, the area has never fully dried out . During heavy rain the water rises and flows freely through the trench into your proposed development site.

If the trench is blocked as a result of your development my property will eventually be flooded. I'm drawing your attention to this issue at the earliest opportunity so that you can discuss the issue with other stakeholders i.e. Angus Council and Guild Homes, who are responsible for the diversion of the water. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you need further information on this issue. Regards Valerie Hughes

5th Feb


Can you advise where the entrance and exit will be in the proposed development


What consideration has been given to the displacement of wildlife from the proposed site?


With each new housing development Carnoustie becomes a less desirable place to stay both from an aesthetic point of view and from the view of pressure on local services. What steps are being taken to diminish this aspect of the proposed scheme?


What is meant by affordable homes?


What impact will there be on schools and health centre?


Can we have a change of plan for the hedge on Panbride Road


How does site location sit in relation to local amenities?


Is site on bus route?


What provision will there be for electric car charging?


How quickly do you anticipate reservations to be open once planning has been approved and what is the reservation process with Kirkwood homes.


What price points do you expect the units to be around and how many of each size property are you considering at this time?


I've noticed flooding further along the field at back?


Is there a rough guide price for 4 or 5 bedroom houses?


Will there be part exchange options available?


Do you know if the local primary school has enough capacity for an increase in families with children that will likely be purchasing these houses?


What is the proposed residential density compared to the surrounding area, in particular the Guild Homes development?


How do you know there is a market for the housing proposed?


Are you building locally, is there an opportunity to view house types.


Is the total cost of the affordable homes that are planned i.e. 25%, being wholly bourne by the Developer i.e. there no subsidy from the Council or the Scottish Government? What percentage of cost is bourne by the Developer? What is the average percent that you have provided in other recent developments and percentage cost bourne by the developer?


Very concerned about the vagueness of the replies.


do your house types now cater for "home working" - fibre broadband etc?


Will the development‚ roads be unadopted by the local authority or will Angus council take ownership of these along with future maintenance.


How flexible are Kirkwood homes willing to be to adjust certain layouts for individual family needs during the build process?


Can you reverse 2, 3 & 4 cars up the drive?


My husband and I are looking for a new build house in Carnoustie and are extremely interested in purchasing one of the houses.


I am very interested in buying one of these houses if permission is granted. I would like to know if the Craig house will be built as this is the style I like.


I thought that the consultation event was premature in that Kirkwood Homes seem still to be in discussion with Angus Council over important details about the proposed development e.g. styles of property, home heating systems, type of affordable housing provided and details of communal green space. Consequently, it is difficult to take an informed view on the proposal at this stage.

I am concerned about the density of the housing which seems out of step with the neighbouring properties and developments.


Proposal would bring quality new housing with choice to the east side of the Town where most of the shopping facilities and other amenities are located including the railway station. The Site itself would be well served by regular scheduled bus services and is only a few minutes safe off street walking distance from Carlogie Primary School currently operating significantly below capacity. In addition the Recreation Ground on Newton Road lies adjacent the Site.


How many properties of each size will be included in any development?


What is the principal form of heating to be installed?


What level of thermal efficiency will the various styles of houses have?


To what extent, if any, is solar PV or solar thermal technology utilisied?


Will any of the properties make use of smart technology? If so, can you offer some examples?


Will the properties / garages be wired for electric vehicles charging?


What are of ground is intended to be given over for communal green space and what will this consist of? For example, will there be any play or leisure areas?


The properties included in the exhibition are described as being ‘indicative’. Does this mean that the properties actually built will possibly be markedly different from those illustrated?